Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Thank you for stopping by to visit me. I hope you'll stay a while. You and I have been brought together for a reason. God's asking us to work together to change the world, and I can't do it alone. I need your help!

You Have What It Takes

I know you may have been told by plenty of people that you're too young, too small, too unimportant to make a difference but I want to assure you that isn't true. God put everything that you need to make a difference right there in your heart, and He has been preparing you your whole life to be the hero he needs you to be. Everything you've experienced and every person you have met along the way was sent into your life to help teach you the things you needed to know to be ready to accept your mission when it came time. Now is that time and you do have what it takes.

You Can Make a Difference

I know that you may have been told that only really "important" people make a difference in this world, but let me share with you a secret that I've learned.  It only takes changing one life to change the entire world. You can be the person who changes someone else's life, and by doing so changes the entire course of human history for the better. You have the ability to make a tremendous difference in the world just by focusing your energy on changing the lives of the people around you for the better.

You Matter

You aren't an accident. God created you for a reason, with a specific purpose and a mission in mind. You were brought here to be an answer to prayers of the past, the present, and the future. You're the only one who has what it takes to do what He needs you to do. If you don't help the world with your specific gifts and talents, nobody else can take your place. Somebody else may end up doing the work, but they won't be equipped to do it as well as you can and the world will suffer because of that. 

You Won't Be Alone

You don't have to do this by yourself. Remember, we're partners, and as long as you stick with me, I'll be there to help you in any way I can. You also have a whole host of saints and angels that will come to your help whenever you need them as long as you invite them to help.

This Is For You

This blog is for you. It's a record of our journey together. If you want to add something to what's written here, just leave a comment or send me a message. I'll be happy to include it.

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