It's easy to listen to science teachers who tell you that you come from space dust and descend from animals and believe that your life is just a matter of random chance. It's easy to believe that it doesn't mean anything, that it doesn't have any purpose except the one that you choose to give it. However, I love our Catholic faith because it tells us something very different. It tells us: You matter.
When we listen to Scripture, which is a collection of God's love letters to humanity, we hear His words being spoken to us. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations," He tells us in Jeremiah 1:5. He says that He has "called us by name" in Isaiah 43:1, and "written your name on the palm of His hands" in Isaiah 49:16. Back in the time of Isaiah, the name of a slave's master was written on the palm of their hands. God is telling us that He loves us so much He has allowed himself to become a slave!
You matter. You have a mission, a purpose, for which you were created. There's a mission which He needs you to accomplish and only you have what it takes to do it. You have been appointed as a prophet to the nations, and prophets aren't about forecasting the future. They are the mouthpieces of God, sent to deliver a specific message for a specific time and a specific people. You have a message inside of you that God needs you to deliver. The world needs that message, even if it doesn't always want or like the message.
Over the next few weeks on Mission Monday, we'll talk about how to find your unique message and ways to share it with the world. We'll also talk more about how we can begin to share that message right here and right now, no matter how little or small you may feel. We'll also talk about how you can find help for those times when you're feeling discouraged or run into trouble in spreading your message. Mission Mondays are all about answering the two most important questions: How do I know what God wants me to do? and What is the best way to carry out what God wants me to do?
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